Hoe werkt het

Step 1: Repo and Theme

  1. Create a repository on Bitbucket
  2. Clone the repo into your project theme directory
  3. Download newest yourstyle-plus and yourstyle-plus-child themes and copy them into your project theme directory
  4. Change the following files
    – style.css: Theme Name (as extra you can change Description)
    – package.json: Change name, repo url and homepage url
    – package-lock.json: Change name
    – screenshot.jpg: Change theme screenshot
  5. Commit all changes as “initial develop commit” and push the commit

Step 2: Theme install and plugins

  1. Activate the theme
  2. Install recommended plugins (if necessary)
    – When installing and using WPS Hide Login: change Login URL to “ysd-admin”
  3. Set timezone to Europe/Amsterdam
  4. Check that block search engines is checked (settings->reading)
  5. Uncheck File Uploads in folders (settings->media)
  6. Set Permalinks to postname and save changes

Step 3: WPBakery

  1. When activating WPBakery go to the settings and check disable Gutenberg Editor

Step 4: Theme Colors

  1. Go to customizer -> colors

Ook automatisch en effectief

jouw (woning)aanbod tonen?

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